No is Toby's favorite word. Okay, well probably not HIS favorite word but it's definitely the word he hears the most. On this particular day, I turned my back for not even a minute and found him in the master bathroom with my new lipstick. He was sitting on the floor with the lipstick broken in half all over his hands and all over his clothes and all over my floor. Thank goodness it was no where near our carpet! Anyway, I was very frustrated and pretty mad so I stuck him in the tub to get it washed off him and decided to get the camera. Well, after I got the camera the minute he saw it he was making that goofy camera face he makes and then I was really mad because I didn't want him to think he had done something cute. Just look at the picture. Do you vote for cute??? AAHHHH...sometimes he just makes me want to pull my hair out!