The kids posing for a quick picture outside of TGI Fridays in Idaho Falls. Friday is Toby's favorite day and he is quick to remind us every day of the week!
Tyler and Kamryn riding the tiger at the Idaho Falls Zoo which we bought an annual pass to...luckily the pass also gets us in to the Sioux Falls Zoo for free!
Tyler and Tobes on our way to Minnesota. We waited 2 1/2 hrs for the tire mechanic to come fix our blown tire. It was hot and we did all survive but we were tired of waiting!
Kylie, Carly Brown, Richelle Phister, Taytum, Kram, and Mariah Phister outside our cabin in Branson. This was our last day in Branson!
Cloggers performing Barn Dance in Silver Dollar City
Kram, Taytum, and Kylie waiting outside of Olive Garden in Branson
Trav and me with girls after a show. They did 24 shows in Silver Dollar City!
Tired and hot but still smiling...well sorta!