Being a new house, we have all these big piles of dirt everywhere outside. The girls have learned they can sled down them and have even practiced snowboarding on the sled. These dirt hills have provided hours of fun for every kid that has been out here. The hill in this picture however no longer exists...however, there are plenty of other ones around!

At my daycare, I have this thing about putting stickers on our heads when we celebrate special occasions. It's the loser coming out in me...what can I say? Here are some pictures of Leap DAY (WOW, CAN YOU BELIEVE ALL THE KIDS?) and also some of our little Easter party. Yes, I've been so behind in my blogging!
I love the picture of the three girls in the sled!! It is really good of all of them!
Cody Grandma
This brilliant phrase is necessary just by the way
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