Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Toby Lingo how about a little Toby Lingo since I still haven't downloaded any pictures yet. (I've got some really cute ones too...)

Toby just turned 2 and he is starting to throw tantrums like a 2-year old along with an occasional hit. He does say quite a few words but it is sometimes really hard to understand him. No can mean no and yes. He is starting to say yeah and yes sometimes which is very helpful. Can you guess what these words are?

a my = airplane
bish = fish
babope = antelope
jact-o= tractor (the most popular word in his vocabulary)
ee a = Lisa although it's also the same for pizza
i-lo = Tyler
i-lee=Kylie and Kamryn but sometimes he'll call her mamin
baby= Toby
ear doe = here we go!
ide = slide
pop = anything liquid including rivers, lakes, sacrament name it, it's pop.
bup = cup

So anyway, it's actually all really adorable. Actually everything about him is usually adorable to me. I never could understand how I could love a boy after three girls but I just love him so much and I think I went through a mild depression when he turned 2. Very similar to the one I went through when Tyler turned 1. A part of me is so incredibly sad that I won't be having any more children but then sometimes I feel very relieved at the fact too. I have to say the "tween" years are already killing me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the translations!

Cody Grandma