What is your husband's name? Travis Dwayne Sessions
How long have you guys been married? 12.5 years
How long did you date? about 5 months...seriously
How old is he? 34
Who is taller? ha, good question. I think it's obvious he is.
Who can sing best? Travis without a question
Who is smarter? Travis for sure. All I know how to do is count to 20 and sing the ABC's!
Who does laundry? me but I don't touch the hunting "no scent" stuff.
Who pays the bills? Travis, thank goodness. I was happy to give him the stress.
Who cooks dinner? me when I cook.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Is this a trick question?
Who kissed whom first? Travis but it's really funny because he gave me a peck and then he RAN! I bet he wishes he kept on running!
I remember when you were going on your first date with him, what a nut case you were while you were waiting for him to come pick you up.
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